
People seeking health care in Australia can now register for a Personally Controlled Electronic Health (PECHR) Record. Registering for an eHealth record will help you take control of your health and your health information.

Once you have an eHealth record there are a range of ways you can put your record to use. These include listing medications you are taking, your known allergies and your emergency information.

Every time you visit a healthcare professional, important information about your health is created and stored at that location. Currently it is hard to access and share this information with all the health professionals involved in your care.

An eHealth record is an electronic record that contains a summary of this information, which you can also add to. The record is secure and is controlled by you. so you can decide what goes into it and who has access.

To sign up for your eHealth record go to, or call 1800 723 471 or visit your nearest Medicare Australia office, or ask one of the front desk staff.

Once you are set-up with eHealth, please ask your doctor to upload each visit to your PECHR. This includes visits to hospital and any allied health professional.

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